How to Pick the Right Dance Class For Your Kids

How to Pick the Right Dance Class For Your Kids

Stepping Up: How Dance Classes Can Benefit Your Child's Development

Dance classes offer a wide range of benefits for children's development, both physical and mental. From ballet to hip-hop, there are many types of dance classes available for children to choose from. The Benefits of Dance Classes for Children Physical benefits of dance classes for children include improved flexibility, balance, coordination and endurance. These skills

Two Steps to Take before Joining a Dance Class

Here are two steps you should take before joining a dance class. Find out what type of movements are typical of that dance genre If there are dance classes being run in your area for a dance genre that you're not too familiar with and you're thinking of taking these classes, you should find out what type of movements are commonly performed within that dance genre. Th

Two Tips to Remember if Your Child is Going to Be Participating in Their First Ballet Recital

If your child took up kids' ballet a while ago and is now due to perform alongside their classmates in their first ballet recital, you should take note of this advice. Make sure they don't miss any of their kids' ballet classes in the weeks leading up to the recital Unless they become ill or there is a family emergency, you should try to ensure that your child does n

Dance Classes: 2 Benefits of Signing Up Your Child Today

If you have a child who is interested in taking dance classes, you may be wondering about the benefits the classes could bring. Some people view dance classes as a soft option when compared to other 'tough' sports such as soccer and rugby. However, taking dance classes could actually help your child to develop the physical and emotional resilience needed to excel at o